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Self Discovery Tools

Explore your personality with these leading edge tools!

Couples Psychologist Boston, Career counseling

Personality assessment and counseling in Boston

Personal Growth & Understanding
Discover your personality type with the real MBTI® assessment

Taking the official MBTI® online is the quickest, most accurate way to discover your personality type and explore what it means for you. Explore your preferences, areas for growth and change, and how you approach the world around you. Click to know more: MBTI® personality assessment.

MBTI® Interpretive Assessment $125.00 – This assessment includes a 30-minute consultation with Dr. Herber to explain your MBTI results, along with a five page personality assessment report that includes an extensive description of your personality type. 

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communication skills for couples

Couples communication skills counseling in Boston

Couples & Relationship Communication
Make sure you and your partner truly understand each other

Would you like to understand how you and your partner are alike and different? Would you like to use these differences to increase your communication and to understand each other in more productive ways? This specific MBTI® communication assessment will provide invaluable information. Click to know more: MBTI® for Couples & Relationship Communication

MBTI® Communication $200.00 – This assessment includes a one-hour consultation with Dr. Herber to explain your MBTI results, along with a nine page communication assessment report which reveals your communication style, illuminating both growth and areas to pay attention to. [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=3]


Career Development Counseling Boston psychologist

Career development counseling in Boston

Looking for a career that will really satisfy you? Discover your personality type and explore careers that take advantage of your natural strengths and talents with an MBTI® career assessment. Click to know more: MBTI® Career Assessment

MBTI® Career Assessment $125.00 – This assessment includes a 30-minute consultation with Dr. Herber to explain your MBTI results, along with a 10-page career assessment report that increases your knowledge of what other occupations you could consider and explains how your preferences impact your career. [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=1]


Boston psychologist - communication counseling

Conflict resolution counseling in Boston

Conflict Resolution in Personal or Professional Relationships
Learn how to manage conflict in all types of relationships 

Most people think of conflict as a type of interaction with a negative emotional charge. Although it may appear to be triggered by a simple, straightforward issue, more often than not conflict exists because some core element of trust, beliefs, authority, or passion is being challenged. Click to know more: MBTI® Conflict Resolution.

MBTI® Conflict Resolution $125.00 – This assessment includes a 30-minute consultation with Dr. Herber to explain your MBTI results, along with a 10-page personality assessment report that helps you understand your MBTI assessment results, and discover how your personality preferences guide  you conflict situations. [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=4]


Career stress management counseling

Stress management counseling in Boston

Stress Management in Everyday Situations
Identify how you experience and react to stress

If stress or out-of-character behavior makes you feel like there is seriously something wrong, rest assured.  Stress results from natural, healthy differences in the way people’s minds work and the way they view themselves and the world. This assessment helps to describe how you are likely to experience and react to stress. Clear to know more: MBTI® Stress Management

MBTI® Stress Management $125.00 – This assessment includes a 30-minute consultation with Dr. Herber to explain your MBTI results, along with a nine page stress management report that helps you recognize the ways you behave, react to others, and become aware of circumstances or events that are likely to trigger your stress reactions. [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=5]


Go in-depth with an MBTI Step II assessment!

Dr. Andrea Herber is a qualified provider of The Myers Briggs Type Indicator MBTI Step II assessment.  This goes far beyond the Step I assessment in terms of its scope and scale.  While the original test has four possible types that one can be identified by, the Step II assessment has an additional five ‘sub-types’ which provide a much richer and more powerful analysis for self understanding.  This assessment includes a one-hour session with Dr. Herber to review the results.  If you are interested to learn more about the  The Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step II, Click to know more: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Step II.



"Each case is unique... I love freeing people from destructive patterns & giving them the liberation of self acceptance and healthy communication. I use lots of humor too... and they often say... our journey was fun even during some of the harder times".